Feb 23, 2021
Today, we have the great pleasure of talking to Jeff Fugate. Jeff is an icon in our industry and a rock star in sales and marketing. He never gets tired of learning, questioning the future, and making changes.
In this episode, Jeff talks about the amazing pivot he did in 2020.
Join us today to hear...
Feb 16, 2021
We are happy to be speaking to Ori Lahav today. Ori is the Vice-President of Clients and Operations for the Kenes Group and is also the current President of IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organisers). He has a wealth of career experience, even having worked on the startup of an electric car.
Feb 9, 2021
We are happy to be speaking to Roger Rickard today. Roger is an icon of advocacy in our industry.
In this episode, Roger talks about what we can do as business owners, in terms of advocacy, particularly in these challenging times and also over the long term.
Roger Rickard’s bio
Roger Rickard is the Founder...
Feb 2, 2021
We are delighted to be speaking to Heather Mason today. Heather has tons of energy and lots of great ideas. She created her company, Caspian Agency, in 2005, and today, she is a rockstar, planning all the meetings and events for some of the world’s major foundations.
In this episode, Heather talks to us about how our...