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The Business of Meetings

Feb 20, 2024

I am thrilled to have David T. Stevens joining me today!   

David holds many different certifications and has ranked on the leaderboard of CrossFit for EventProf for many years. 

In our conversation today, he explains how to improve your health in meetings, when engaging in projects, or completing daily tasks. He...

Feb 13, 2024

We are delighted to engage in a conversation with Joe Curcillo today. 

Joe is a man of multiple talents and phenomenal versatility. He has worn many hats, from being a lawyer, engineer, and prosecuting attorney, to a judge, private investigator, and mentalist. He has also just written a book called The...

Feb 6, 2024

We are thrilled to have Haggai Klorman joining us today! 

Haggai is a tech entrepreneur and EO. He has consulted with and built social media and word-of-mouth campaigns for major brands, including L'Oreal, Revlon, and Unilever, and has advised Bain Capital Private Equity. He also owns a digital business...